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小米手环 我很丑但是我相当抢手‘BOYU SPORTS’

时间:2024-09-22 13:14:01

   本文摘要:Xiaomi Corp’s 79 yuan ($13) fitness band has propelled the Chinese company to the top rungs of the global wearables market and made it the second-largest player, an industry report said on Thursday。

Xiaomi Corp’s 79 yuan ($13) fitness band has propelled the Chinese company to the top rungs of the global wearables market and made it the second-largest player, an industry report said on Thursday。上周四一份行业报告表明,小米公司79元(13美元)的身体健康手环顺利将该公司推上全球可穿着市场的第一梯队,沦为市场占有量第二大的公司。

It was another unlikely success for the five-year-old smartphone vendor, considering that Xiaomi only launched the first-generation wearable product less than a year ago with basic features-not exactly the formula that market leaders like Fitbit Inc or Jawbone Inc would follow。对于这家正式成立5年的智能手机厂商,这又是另一个顺利。离小米发售第一代不具备基本功能可穿着产品只有将近一年的时间,所以它并没遵循像Fitbit和Jawbone这样的行业领跑者遵循的一般原则。

Xiaomi shipped 2.8 million Mi Bands during the January-March period, accounting for roughly one quarter of the total shipments of wearables。小米手环1月到3月间的出货量超过了280万支,大约占到全球可穿着设备总出货量的四分之一。

Fitbit continued to lead the market with shipments of 4 million units during the period, according to industry consultancy International Data Corp. The report did not include Apple Watch shipments as sales of the product began only in April。据行业咨询公司IDC的数据表明,同期,Fitbit之后以400万的出货量排在市场。由于苹果Apple Watch在4月份才上市,因此该报告不还包括Apple Watch的出货量。The Mi Band, able to track steps and alert incoming calls, is available in India, the United States, the United Kingdom and a number of overseas markets via its online stores。

小米手环需要追踪步伐并有电话警告功能,早已在印度、美国、英国等市场上市,并通过在线商店销往其他海外市场。However, the main market for the products continued to be in China。然而,中国仍是该产品的主要市场。

The low price tag has prompted a large number of people to become first-time wearable users。由于小米手环定价便宜,一大批用户开始尝试这种可穿着设备。In addition, with an increasing number of Chinese taking to jogging and other fitness exercises, Xiaomi was able to attract the growing middle class who is willing to spend some money on fitness equipments。

此外,随着更加多的中国人开始展开跑步和其他健美磨练,小米需要更有渐渐激增的中产阶级,这些中产阶级不会减少在身体健康设备上的消费。Ramon Llamas, research manager of wearables at IDC, said demand from China and other emerging markets is on the rise and vendors are eager to seek new opportunities。IDC可穿着设备研究经理Ramon Llamas讲解,来自中国和其他新兴市场的市场需求下降,厂商意图谋求新的商机。

But it remains uncertain how long the simple-in-feature, low-in-price Mi Band will be able to hold users’ attention。但外形非常简单、价格低廉的小米手环能否仍然更有消费者眼球还是个未知数。Amy Teng, a Taiwan-based analyst with research company Gartner Inc, warned low-end products may damage people’s interests in wearable devices in the long run。

台湾研究公司Gartner的分析师Amy Teng警告称之为,从将来来看,低端产品可能会伤害人们对于可穿着设备的兴趣。Both analysts agreed that Apple Inc’s smartwatch will alter the wearable market landscape this year。两位分析师完全一致指出,年内苹果公司的智能手表将转变可穿着市场的格局。

本文关键词:博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站,BOYU SPORTS


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