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BOYU SPORTS:你的自拍照最像哪副名画,这款app来告诉你

时间:2024-09-21 23:07:03

   本文摘要:They say life imitates art, and that holds true even for centuries-old classical paintings and contemporary selfies.据传,生活仿效艺术即使是对历史悠久的经典画作和当代的自拍照而言也是限于的。

They say life imitates art, and that holds true even for centuries-old classical paintings and contemporary selfies.据传,生活仿效艺术即使是对历史悠久的经典画作和当代的自拍照而言也是限于的。A new feature in the Google Arts Culture app can use facial recognition technology to match your selfie with a famous portrait. The portraits are pulled from a database of celebrated works collected from over 1000 museums worldwide, so the chances of a half-decent match should be fairly high, shouldnt they?谷歌艺术和文化应用软件的一项新功能可以用面部辨识技术把你的自拍照和一幅知名的肖像画相匹配。这些肖像画就是指全世界1000多家博物馆搜集的知名画作数据库中选出来的,所以两幅肖像基本给定的可能性应当很高,对不该?According to Google, the app uses experimental computer vision technology to make the matches.谷歌回应,该应用软件通过试验性的“计算机视觉技术”来展开给定。In Rennaisance-era portraiture and mid-20th-century surrealism , there was no Photoshop and far less strategic lighting, so putting more work into your selfie wont necessarily guarantee a more flattering match.文艺复兴时期的肖像画艺术和20世纪中叶的超现实主义还无法用计算机处置图像,更加不用说战略性打光了,所以更进一步处置你的自拍照不一定能确保给定出更讨人喜欢的肖像。

This feature allows you to explore [art] in a fun, new way, Google said.谷歌回应,“该功能使你可以用一种全新且快乐的方式来探寻‘艺术’。”Well now the results are in, and it’s fair to say that they are mixed, at best. This seems to part of the appeal however, as people have begun posting their hilarious (mis)matches online and they are proving to be wildly popular.现在给定的结果早已出来了,它们充其量可以说道有好有坏吧。然而,这或许也是该应用软件吸引力的一部分,因为人们早已开始在网上晒出自己无厘头的(不)给定肖像画了,这也解释该应用软件十分热门。Sadly, the feature isn’t yet available outside of theU.S.so if you’re not stateside and would like to give it a try, you’ll have to be a little patient.失望的是,美国以外地区的用户还无法用于该功能,所以如果你不出美国,还想要试一试的话,你必需要冷静一些。

本文关键词:博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站,BOYU SPORTS


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