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‘BOYU SPORTS’新款iPhone测评,更大的确更好

时间:2024-10-19 13:14:01

   本文摘要:For the past few years, I have been a naysayer on one feature of smartphones: their growing size.在过去几年里,我仍然不失望智能手机的尺寸更加大。

For the past few years, I have been a naysayer on one feature of smartphones: their growing size.在过去几年里,我仍然不失望智能手机的尺寸更加大。My position was unusual given the increasing prevalence of larger screen devices. The world’s top phone makers have all added more substantial glass screens to stretch from one edge of their smartphones to another, on the theory that people can better enjoy their apps and content on an ample display.鉴于更加多的人在用大屏幕设备,我的立场变得有些格格不入。全球仅次于的几家手机制造商争相使用更大的玻璃全面屏,他们的理论是,人们可以在一块够大的显示屏上更佳地享用应用程序和内容。Apple helped seal the deal last week when it announced that its new phones this year — the iPhone XR, XS and XS Max — would have screens that measured between 5.8 inches and 6.5 inches diagonally, compared with 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches two years ago. In fact, the 6.5-inch screen on the iPhone XS Max is Apple’s biggest ever. (The original iPhone in 2007 started with a 3.5-inch screen.)苹果上周发售的本年度新款手机iPhone XR、XS和XS Max,也为这个趋势站台,它们的对角线尺寸介于5.8英寸(约合15厘米)至6.5英寸(约合17厘米)之间,而两年前的版本是4.7英寸(约合12厘米)至5.5英寸(约合14厘米)。

事实上,显示屏超过6.5英寸的iPhone XS Max,是苹果有史以来仅次于的手机。(第一款iPhone于2007年发售,屏幕为3.5英寸[约合9厘米])。

I have been troubled by this trend. These devices spend a lot of time in your pocket and your hand, and there are often compromises in portability and comfort when the screens balloon in size. For those reasons, I never liked the Plus phones, the line of iPhones that Apple introduced in 2014 with 5.5-inch screens. They felt impossible to use with one hand and far too bulky in a pocket.这个趋势仍然令其我实在后遗症。这些设备有非常一部分时间是放到你的口袋里,或者手上,在屏幕变小的情况下,它势必会影响到便携性和舒适性。出于这些原因,我仍然不讨厌Plus手机,这是苹果在2014年发售的5.5英寸屏幕的iPhone。它们单握不了,放到口袋里过于大。

So it’s humbling to come to you now with another confession: The iPhone XS and the iPhone XS Max may be making me a convert to bigger smartphones.所以,现在我要心怀顺服地向你们坦白另一件事:iPhone XS和iPhone XS Max可能会让我改向更大的智能手机。Last week, I began testing both new iPhone models. I had predicted that the larger display on the XS Max would be unwieldy in my pocket and make the phone cumbersome to hold with one hand while typing and reaching for buttons inside apps.上周,我开始测试这两款新的iPhone。我曾多次预测,XS Max更大的显示屏不方便放到口袋里,而且在一只手拿着手机的时候点字或者抱住去不够应用于里的按钮,不会很慌忙。

There were other things I figured I would dislike. The prices of Apple’s phones, for one, have shot up. The XS will start at $999 and the XS Max at $1,099 when both become available on Friday, compared with $699, $799 and $999 for new iPhones last year. The iPhone XR, which will be released on Oct. 19, is starting at $749.还有其他的方面,我想要我也会过于讨厌。比如,苹果手机的价格更加喜。XS的售价从999美元起,XS Max从1099美元起,而去年的新款iPhone的起价分别为699美元、799美元和999美元。

10月19日公布的iPhone XR起价749美元。None of the new phones were making huge technological leaps from last year, either. The iPhone XS and XS Max have a dual-lens camera, while the XR has a single-lens camera. All three iPhones include Face ID, the feature for unlocking the phone using face recognition.与去年的型号比起,今年的新款手机在技术上并没经常出现极大的进步。iPhone XS和XS Max配备一个双镜头摄像头,而XR配有的是单镜头摄像头。

所有三款iPhone都具有面部辨识功能,也就是用脸给手机关卡。Yet after running the 6.5-inch XS Max alongside the 5.8-inch XS through different situations and conditions for a week, I was surprised by my reaction. Far from being disappointed by the supersized devices, I was delighted.然而,在有所不同的情境和条件下试用了6.5英寸的XS Max和5.8英寸的XS一周后,我对自己的反应深感惊讶。

超大尺寸的设备几乎没让我沮丧,反而用得很高兴。The trade-offs of the new jumbo model felt minor. By eliminating the bezels, which are the screen’s borders, Apple did a terrific job of increasing screen size without adding bulk or compromising the usability of the XS Max. I still think the smaller XS is a better fit for most people, but many would enjoy the XS Max.这款巨无霸型号在设计上并没作出过于大的让步。通过避免屏幕边框,苹果在减少屏幕尺寸而不减少体积或减少XS Max的可用性方面,做到得很不俗。

我依然指出较小的XS更加合适大多数人,但很多人会讨厌XS Max。Here’s how all the testing went down.以下是所有的项目管理结果。I began by testing the iPhone XS Max because why not start with the biggest device? I moved my SIM card and all my data from an older iPhone to the new gadget and took it with me to dinner parties, bars, meetings and the gym.我从iPhone XS Max开始测试,为什么不从仅次于的设备开始呢?我把SIM卡和所有数据从原有的iPhone转至新的设备上,带着它去参与晚宴、泡吧、召开和健美。

After three days, I was surprised by how good it felt to use the XS Max with one hand. A key factor was how Apple had managed to cram a bigger screen into a slightly smaller body. (The body of the Plus phones was 6.24 inches by 3.07 inches, while the XS Max’s body is 6.2 inches by 3.05 inches.)三天后,单手用于XS Max的感觉之好令其我吃惊。一个关键因素是苹果设法将更大的屏幕塞进额小的机身中。(Plus手机的机身为6.24英寸[约合15厘米]x 3.07英寸[约合8厘米],而XS Max的机身为6.2英寸[约合15厘米] x 3.05英寸[约合8厘米]。

)These changes amounted to meaningful improvements in ergonomics and overall convenience. I was able to hold the XS Max in one hand and type messages easily. In contrast, my thumb could not reach keys on the sides of the older iPhone 8 Plus, like the shift key or the backspace key, because of the space taken up by the bezel.这些变化在人体工程学和整体便利性方面是有意义的改良。我可以一手握XS Max并精彩输出消息。相比之下,由于边框占有空间,我在单手用于旧款iPhone 8 Plus时,拇指无法看清侧边的按键,比如切换键或退格键。

And I found the jumbo-screen XS Max particularly beneficial in several instances. While driving, it was easier to read maps. The bigger screen made writing longer emails — a task that I usually do on a laptop — more pleasant. The display was also nice for reading recipes in the kitchen.我找到XS Max的巨型屏幕在几个场景中尤其简单。驾车时查阅地图更加便利了。

更大的屏幕合适编写更长的电子邮件——这是我常常在笔记本电脑上要做到的事。这个显示器也很合适在厨房里读者食谱。While browsing Instagram next to my partner, I said to her: “If you can use this thing with one hand, who would want the smaller phone if you only have to pay $100 more for this huge screen?”在伴侣身边网页Instagram时,我对她说道:“如果你可以用一只手来用于这个东西,而且为了这个极大的屏幕只需多花100美元,谁还不会想更加小的手机呢?”“But does it fit inside your pocket?” she asked.“但它能放入你的口袋吗?”她回答。

That brings me to the iPhone XS. After taking the larger XS Max everywhere with me for three days and feeling good about it, I switched to the iPhone XS — and immediately experienced a sense of relief.这让我想起了iPhone XS。在随身携带带着大块头的XS Max过了三天并且感觉很不俗之后,我转而用于iPhone XS——马上就有了一种众生感觉。

I found I simply preferred the XS’s smaller body for the very basic task of moving around. Having the smaller phone in my pocket felt less obtrusive during dog walks, long hikes and gym sessions.我发现自己更喜欢在四处溜达的时候,用XS较小的机身来已完成基本任务。在遛狗、长途徒步旅行和健美课程中,把较小的手机放到口袋里,感觉不那么高耸了。I also found the XS easier to use as a camera. While the XS and XS Max share identical camera systems, which produce excellent, clear photos with natural-looking colors in normal and lowlight conditions, the smaller phone worked better in a pinch because it was easier to pull out of a pocket and quickly stabilize to take a clear shot.我还找到用XS做到照相机更容易。

虽然XS和XS Max享有完全相同的照相机系统,可以在长时间和光线很差的条件下拍得出众、明晰的照片和大自然的色彩,但小巧的手机在应急情况下用于一起更加便利,因为它更容易从口袋中拿出来,并且可以较慢稳定下来,拍电影出有一张明晰的照片。As a self-diagnosed phone addict who is trying to cut down on screen time, I decided the XS also felt healthier for me. The XS Max screen was so good-looking that I wanted to keep reading articles and looking at photos on Instagram. When I used Apple’s new Screen Time feature to monitor my use of each device, I discovered that I spent an average of roughly five and a half hours a day on the XS Max, two hours more than on the XS.我自认是手机瘾君子,并且企图增加用于手机的时间,我指出XS对我来说也更加身体健康。XS Max的屏幕十分漂亮,以至于我想要仍然用它阅读文章,在Instagram上看图片。

当我用Apple新的“屏幕时间”功能来监控自己对每台设备的用于状况时,找到我在XS Max上平均值每天花费约五个半小时,比XS多两个小时。So where does that leave us? I concluded I no longer had any real objection to the bigger size of the iPhone XS Max, but felt that the smaller XS was still a better mobile phone because it was just as capable but more portable and pocketable.那么我们该怎么中选呢?我的结论是,我仍然对iPhone XS Max的大尺寸有任何实际的赞成意见,但我仍然指出,较小的XS是一款更佳的手机,因为它的能力某种程度强劲,但更加便利装载,可以放到口袋里。That means if you are a more casual technology user who wants a superb smartphone that is comfortable to carry, I recommend you go for the XS. If you plan to treat your phone as a primary computer, go for the XS Max.这意味著,如果你是一个更加休闲娱乐的科技用户,想一款携带方便、性能卓越的智能手机,我建议你自由选择XS。如果你想将手机当作主电脑用于,那就中选XS Max吧。

One flaw frustrated me in both iPhones: the poor design of Reachability, the software feature that was designed to make larger phone screens easier to use with one hand. On past iPhones, Reachability let people tap the home button twice to lower the top of the screen and reach for the buttons up there. Now there is no home button, so the new way to trigger Reachability is to swipe down from the bottom of the screen.两个iPhone都有一个缺失,令其我深感失望:单手操作模式(Reachability)的设计很差,这个软件功能目的让单手更容易用于更大的手机屏幕。在过去的iPhone上,单手操作模式容许人们页面home按钮两次以减少屏幕顶部,并触碰那里的按钮。现在没了home按键,因此启动时单手操作模式的新方法就是指屏幕底部向上滑动。That’s problematic because when you swipe from the bottom, it’s easy to unintentionally hit a button on the bottom of an app, like the search tab inside Instagram or the video tab inside Facebook. There is a clear opportunity here for Apple to use the iPhone’s pressure sensitivity, called 3D Touch, to let you press hard on the bottom of the screen to trigger Reachability. But for now, we are stuck with swiping down.这是有问题的,因为当从底部滑动时,很更容易无意中页面到应用程序底部的按钮,例如Instagram的搜寻标签或Facebook的视频标签。

很显著,苹果可以用上iPhone被称作3D Touch的压力敏感度功能,让用户用力松开屏幕底部以启动时单手操作系统。但目前我们还是得用于向上滑动。Apple said the Reachability swipe gesture was designed as a quick action to let people easily reach for the top of the screen.苹果回应,单手操作系统的滑动手势目的让人们精彩看清屏幕顶部。What about the iPhone XR?iPhone XR怎么样?So who should get the entry-level iPhone XR? Apple did not provide a review unit for the XR because it will be released next month, so I can’t say with authority.那么谁应当出售入门级的iPhone XR呢?苹果没为XR获取项目管理样机,因为它将在下个月发售,所以我的话不具备权威性。

But I suspect it will largely come down to whether you can live with a single-lens camera, which doesn’t do as good a job taking those D.S.L.R.-like photos with a blurred-out background and a sharpened foreground. The XS is about $250 more than the XR, but after shooting photos like the one below, I’m sold on dual-lens cameras.但我猜测这在相当大程度上各不相同你否不愿拒绝接受单镜头照相机,这在摄制那些具备模糊不清背景和锐化前景的单反式照片时,效果不是那么好。XS比XR约贵上250美元,但在拍电影了下面的照片之后,我被双镜头照相机赞叹了。For years, Apple customers have gotten in the habit of buying a new iPhone sight unseen. But now that there are several sizes for different prices, I encourage you to try before you buy. It may not hurt to wait for the XR’s release next month so you can test all three in a store. Play with the cameras and pay close attention to how each phone feels in one hand and inside your pocket.多年来,苹果的消费者早已教导了事前不看就出售新的iPhone的习惯。


It’s important that you find the right fit: Since you have to pay so much for your next iPhone, you will probably live with it for a long time. And who knows? You might assume you will dislike a bigger screen and then change your mind — just as I did.最重要的是寻找合适自己的:因为你要为这部iPhone花那么多的钱,你可能会用于很长时间。谁告诉呢?你有可能原本会实在自己不讨厌更大的屏幕,然后又转变主意——就像我一样。

本文关键词:博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站,BOYU SPORTS


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