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华为年终机皇Nexus 6P于西班牙正式发布-博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站

时间:2024-10-15 13:14:02

   本文摘要:Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei launched its new Nexus 6P smartphone in Spain on Tuesday.中国电信巨头华为于本周二在西班牙月公布新版旗舰智能手机Nexus 6P。

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei launched its new Nexus 6P smartphone in Spain on Tuesday.中国电信巨头华为于本周二在西班牙月公布新版旗舰智能手机Nexus 6P。The phone, which was unveiled in October, will be available in most major Spanish outlets, including Amazon and El Corte Ingles department store at a price of 649 euros (689 U.S. dollars).这部于今年十月月亮相的手机,将不会在西班牙outlets销售。还包括亚马逊及英国宫百货商场在内的销售商为其标价649欧元(折算689美元)。

The Nexus 6P incorporates the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system and has a 14.5 cm screen with 518 pixels per inch density, which makes it useful for both gaming and watching videos.华为Nexus 6P将不会配备近期安卓6.0 Marshmallow操作系统,同时屏幕超过14.5厘米,分辨率为518ppi。无论是打游戏还是观赏视频都会十分极致。It also includes the latest versions of Qualcomm and Snapdragon and has a battery that requires only 10 minutes of charging to provide seven hours of use, as well as a multifunction camera designed to work well in low light.这款手机还配有了近期版本的骁龙处理器,电池也勇猛到电池十分钟,用于七小时的地步。

近期的摄像头即使在弱光情况下也能很好地工作。The camera has the capacity to film in 4K and make slow-motion videos, while frontal camera uses Google HDR+ technology to make it one of the best cameras in the world for taking selfies.当然了,这款手机的摄像头认同享有摄制4K及较慢视频的能力。除此之外,因为前置摄像头用于了谷歌的HDR+摄制技术,所以可以确保的是,它的自拍效果也一定是世界上最篮的。

本文关键词:博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站,BOYU SPORTS


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