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时间:2024-09-20 03:36:04

   本文摘要:CNN reporter Will Ripley recently experienced this kind of life and shared his experience on CNN.com. He toured Beijing without his wallet and finds he can still buy anything he wants. Lets take a look at how he managed to live in Beijing without a wallet.  CNN电视台记者威尔·来弗最近体验了一把新式生活,并且在CNN官网上共享了他的经历。

CNN reporter Will Ripley recently experienced this kind of life and shared his experience on CNN.com. He toured Beijing without his wallet and finds he can still buy anything he wants. Lets take a look at how he managed to live in Beijing without a wallet.  CNN电视台记者威尔·来弗最近体验了一把新式生活,并且在CNN官网上共享了他的经历。他在没钱包的情况下游览了北京,找到他能购买自己想买的一切东西。我们来想到他是如何不必钱包还能在北京存活下来的吧!  In the beginning, Ripley was a bit skeptical about going an entire day in Beijing without his wallet, but later he said he was surprised to discover just how easy and convenient it is.  一开始,来弗有点猜测自己能无法在没钱包的情况下在北京存活一整天,结果令其他喜出望外,这种生活方式非常简单便利。  Ripley paid for breakfast by scanning a QR code on the window of a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that sells jianbing, a delicious fried crepe thats one of Chinas most popular street breakfasts. The purchase cost him 6 yuan and took just a few seconds. All he had to do is input a password and the transaction is complete.  来弗在一个贩售煎饼的路边窗口摊上买了一只爱吃的煎饼,这是中国最热门的街边早餐,然后他通过洗二维码缴了款。

这只煎饼花上了他6元钱,整个过程只花上了短短数秒。他要做到的事就是输出密码,交易就已完成了。  When Ripley took his breakfast, CNN news assistant Shen Lu paid her household water bill at the table. In seconds, she transferred funds from one of several linked accounts. She regularly used the same simple process to pay other bills and even her rent.  在来弗吃早餐的时候,CNN电视台的助理陆盛在餐桌前缴纳了自己的水电费。几秒钟的功夫,点进几个链接,她都已完成了缴纳。

一般来说她都是通过这一非常简单的途径缴纳各种费用,还包括房租。  Ripley used his phone to hire a taxi to meet Gu Yu, co-founder of a new payment app, Mileslife. Ride sharing using a mobile payment app allows them to save money by ordering multiple taxi stops and splitting the fare at the end.  来弗利用手机叫了计程车前去闻一款新的手机应用于,努生活的创始人。这款让用户通过日常生活网络消费累积航空里程的应用软件能为用户节省车费,只要同时预约多个计程车站点,就能在承销时构建拼单分算费用。

本文关键词:博鱼(boyu·中国)官方网站,BOYU SPORTS


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